Monday, June 30, 2008

Movie Quote Monday#67

i did not post but eric did get last weeks answer. there is still one out unanswered. i dont want to give too many clues. hint #2 - SNL alum. i will make this weeks an easy one because this is the last quote for this round. once this and #65 have been answered i will award prizes.

'Unfortunately my neck looks like a vagina.'

Susie - 24
Troy - 23
Eric - 14
Annie - 3
Todd - 1

Monday, June 23, 2008

Movie Quote Monday #66

okay so i cant count since i just realized that i had last weeks as #66. hint for last weeks, i have used this movie before. here is this weeks.

'That’s it, bite that thing, bite it like a little monkey go on bite it, there you go, yank it, use them tiger teeth.'

Susie - 24
Troy - 23
Eric - 13
Annie - 3
Todd - 1

Monday, June 16, 2008

Movie Quote Monday #65

wow lots of comments. annies comment #1 there is an end in sight, atleast for me. i am not going to tell anyone but the end of round one is near. annies comment #2 while i appreciate your commitment and sacrifice i cannot make exceptions otherwise everyone would try to get special excemptions every week. bad internet or not the quote was out there a while before i gave any clue. annies comment #3 no comment.

so here is this weeks quote

'Yeah, I know like 20 people who thought you were a girl, not from the side.'

Susie - 24
Troy - 23
Eric - 13
Annie - 3
Todd - 1

Monday, June 09, 2008

Movie Quote Monday #64

i have deliberated over susies objection to the answers that eric gave for four quotes and they will stand. there was ample time for anyone else to answer those quotes for themselves. here is this weeks, and it could be more challenging.

'I think of it as a bucket of piss to drown rats in.'

Susie - 24
Troy - 23
Eric - 12
Annie - 3
Todd - 1

Monday, June 02, 2008

Movie Quote Monday #63

'This diaper is making my nuts rub together. It's going to start a fire.'

Susie - 23
Troy - 23
Eric - 12
Annie - 3
Todd - 1